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  • Why I Dropped Wordpress and Switched to Freedom

    Earlier this week, we talked about why WordPress plugins aren’t nearly as convenient as they seem. If you’re building websites on WordPress, you might be familiar with these headaches. But the thought of using a different CMS platform probably causes you mild anxiety — it definitely did for me. Keep reading to find out how I overcame that. You can do it too!

  • Wordpress Plugins Are Bad For Productivity (Yes, Really)

    Wordpress has a seemingly infinite number of plugins and integrations that allow form submissions. This seems like an advantage at first, but websites with a lot of moving parts can get overwhelming very quickly when they’re built on the Wordpress platform. Suddenly, the convenience of Wordpress plugins sure sounds like a lot of work. How much time would you save if you didn’t have to manage separate apps and deal with integration?

  • The 4-Step Conversion Formula

    Follow this formula to turn your nonprofit website into a powerful marketing tool!

  • 8 Tips For Planning Your Website Navigation

    Every great website begins with well-thought-out navigation. Get tips on planning your nonprofit website's menus, dropdowns, and call-to-action buttons.

  • 14 Best Places To Get Free Images For Your Website

    I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again—an image can make or break your design. Having access to plenty of good, high-quality images is crucial to building a successful web presence. But if you've ever checked out the prices on commercial photography, you know it can get a little pricey. Fortunately, there are many free images available online. You just have to know which images you can use without violating any copyright laws.

  • When Bad Images Happen To Good Websites

    See how the images you use on your website can make or break the design.

  • How To SEO Your Webpage

    Everyone's talking about SEO—the art of structuring and writing your website in a way that search engines index it and searchers find it. An entire industry has emerged around it, with SEO agencies popping up all over the country. And it can get pretty complex, with terms like "canonical tags" and "schema" and "Hummingbird" getting tossed around. But SEO doesn't have to be so complicated. By following some basic rules, you can help your web content rank higher in search and bring in more organic traffic.

  • Wordpress vs. 立博客户端app下载 Freedom: What's the best CMS for you?

    Everyone loves a good rivalry: Steelers vs. Ravens, Coke vs. Pepsi, Apple vs. Microsoft. But my favorite rivalry is the one between Wordpress and 立博客户端app下载 Freedom CMS. Find out which CMS better fits your needs now.

  • The AccriCloud: The sky's the limit

    Cloud computing has certainly been a hot topic lately, but there seems to be some confusion about what exactly cloud hosting is, and how it relates; after all, isn't all hosting in the cloud? For us, cloud hosting essentially refers to a website's independence from the confines of an individual machine. Introducing AccriCloud. Read on to learn about it.