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  • JCC


    As we inch closer to the holidays, it’s time to pick our favorite Jewish Community Center websites from 2017. Some of the JCC websites chosen below reflect current 2017 trends, such as large/unique typography and hover effects, all while continuing to offer a clean and robust experience for the end user. An important item for all JCC websites to remember is that Millennials have officially bypassed Gen Xers to become the largest group in the U.S. 劳动力. As Millennials move throughout their day from mobile to desktop and back, the expectation is that their online experience will be seamless and intuitive.

  • JCC

    6 Tips for Creating Content For Your JCC 网站

    最后, after hours of carefully planning your sitemap and gathering content from each department in your JCC, it’s time to write your content and place it on your website. Whether you’re starting from scratch or revamping existing content, it’s certainly an intimidating task. But not to worry—after more than 15 years of experience working with JCCs, 我们都看到了, and we have tons of tips to help you develop and publish great content. 让我们开始吧!

  • JCC

    How To Collaborate With Staff When Writing Your JCC 网站 Content

    When you’re writing content for your new JCC website, it doesn’t matter if you’re starting from scratch or revamping existing content—you’re going to need to enlist the help of other JCC staff. 毕竟, no one knows the individual departments within your J better than the department heads themselves.

  • JCC

    How To Build A Sitemap For Your JCC 网站

    So, it's time for a new website for your JCC? 那太好了! You're probably feeling excited...有点不知所措. 毕竟, a website company is taking care of the design and development, 但内容完全取决于你. That's a lot of work to be responsible for, but don't worry—we've put together a series of posts that will walk you through each step of the web content creation process! The first step in creating your JCC website content is organizing everything into a sitemap.

  • JCC


    The time has finally arrived for 立博客户端app下载's annual roundup of the best JCC websites of the year! We had the pleasure of looking through hundreds of JCC websites to make our final selections. While searching for the very best, we noticed several design elements that seemed to be trending among JCC websites. You'll notice these trends and other great design elements on this year's list! 所以现在, without further ado (and in no particular order), I present to you our choices for the 15 best JCC websites of 2015!

  • JCC

    Attracting New JCC Members - Top 4 Sources

    Debra Posner of the Cleveland Mandel JCC understands that keeping the insatiable marketing pipeline filled requires a lot of trial and error, a tremendous amount of work and an obsessive attention to detail. While there’s no single solution and no secret ingredient, 随着时间的推移, Debra has found a few strategies that work.

    Learn about the Cleveland J's top 4 sources for new members, and how they mine these sources to reach their marketing goals.

  • JCC

    JCC Marketing - Food For Thought

    Over the last four years, we’ve been able to grow membership by 34%. 我们的使命, 短暂的, is to help build and strengthen our community and we do that in all kinds of ways.

  • JCC


    We scoured the web on a search for the very best Jewish Community Center websites. 我们发现了什么?? Stunning photography, clean layouts, user-friendly navigation...and a few elements that took us by surprise! The following websites are the ones that made the cut. We consider these sites to be the best JCC websites of 2014!

  • JCC

    10 Vibrant YMCA and JCC Web Designs

    Whether you’re a YMCA or a JCC, a great web design is crucial to attracting new members and serving your current members. A great YMCA or JCC web design is vibrant and fun, with an overall clean look and intuitive navigation that makes it easy for members to register for programs and classes.